Over 50 percent of the food waste in Canada is avoidable. This means that half of Canada’s food waste could have been saved and used to feed people.

Not only is food waste a lost opportunity to feed someone, but rotting food in landfills emits methane and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

There are some apps out there that help you reduce your food waste. These offer alternative food deliveries, donation opportunities, and marketplace options. Here are some apps that operate in Canada:

1. Fridgely

Fridgely is a tool that helps you reduce food waste in your home. Just scan your groceries and the app automatically logs your food’s expiration dates.

You’re able to share your pantry list with others, so your entire household can work together against food waste. With Fridgely, you can easily see which groceries you need to use first and plan your meals so that you use up all your ingredients each week.

2. NoWaste

NoWaste is a pantry tracker that sends you notifications when your items are going to expire. This app tracks your food waste, which keeps you accountable for shopping and cooking with food waste in mind.

You can connect with the rest of the NoWaste community too. Share tips and food waste stats to connect with other Canadians who are passionate about reducing food waste.


OLIO is a community marketplace where you can swap or donate food items that you’re not going to use before they go bad. Just take a picture and wait to see if any neighbors are ready to take that ingredient off your hands.

OLIO helps your community and the planet by making sure all your food ends up in bellies, not landfills.

4. Best Before

Best Before is another app that helps you keep track of the food that you’ve already purchased. Best Before builds its data as more users join in and update their barcodes.

When you join Best Before, you’re becoming part of a true community effort to help end food waste.

5. FlashFood

Grocery stores use FlashFood to list any items that will expire soon at discounted rates. This app works hard to save you money and you can make all your purchases right in the app!

6. Food for All

Food for All lets you order from your favorite restaurants with some major discounts! Restaurants list extras an hour before closing and you can purchase these meals for up to 80 percent off!

Food for All also features an option for you to donate these meals to others in your community, helping to fight both hunger and food waste.

7. Food Rescue Hero

Food Rescue Hero facilitates deliveries for meal donations from restaurants. Users, called Food Rescue Heroes, sign up in the app to deliver these meals to soup kitchens, food pantries, and other organizations that reduce food insecurity.

8. Sauvegarde

Sauvegarde is a Montreal-based app that connects consumers with restaurants and grocery stores for discounted food that would otherwise be wasted. This app has a map feature, so you can search for items based on your location.

It’s important to be mindful of how you shop and cook throughout the week to make sure that you’re not wasting your groceries. With some help from these apps, you can support your community and work towards eliminating food waste.

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