Eight years ago on November 9th, Creatively United for the Planet became a non-profit society. So much has happened since we incorporated, including: eight zero-waste festivals and dozens of events with hundreds of musicians, artists, speakers, authors and non-profit exhibitors and thousands of attendees; published two books: Stepping Into Nature and Higher Ground, a cartoon colouring book, plus a Solutions Guide – 58 Ways to Lighter and Healthier Living; produced numerous videos and films, including The Harmless HomeAwakenTEDx Countdown, plus a free webinar series with a multitude of world-class presenters; created a free community solutions and sharing hub complete with a Pair Up Directory of over 176 non-profits; and collaborate with numerous groups, including One Planet Saanich, BC Drawdown, Climate and the Arts, Conversations for a One Planet Region, the Mount Work Coalition, Community Trees Matter Network and many others.

Please be sure to also subscribe to our Creatively United YouTube channel so you will be the first to know of new video releases. We welcome donations and invite you if you feel inclined to help us continue doing this work.

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