Happy Lunar New Year 🌙

새해 복 많이 받으세요

Ella here 👋🏼 If you don’t know me, I’m the social media coordinator for CU 😊 Lunar new year is close to my heart as I celebrate Seollal with my Korean family, and Chinese New Year with my step family ❤️ This lunar new year is this weekend! And 2023 is the year of the rabbit, which is my Chinese zodiac sign 🐰

I wanted to share what this time of year means to the Asian community with you and take the opportunity to highlight Asian organizations, artists and businesses in my community that you can support to bring in the new year with good fortune for all 🧧

The importance of lunar new year to the Asian community:

This year lunar new year is on January 22nd, 2023. The date depends on the second new moon after winter solstice.

Lunar new year is the “most important festival in China (where it is known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival), and it is also widely celebrated in South Korea (where it is known as Seollal), in Vietnam (as Tet), as well as Singapore, Indonesia, [and] Malaysia” – (Chinese Highlights). It is also an important holiday for members of the Asian diaspora, as a way to connect with their roots and to feel close to family and ancestors

2023 is the year of the rabbit (兔年 tùnián):

Based on the Chinese zodiac, 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. In many  East Asian cultures, the rabbit is a creature that represents hope and long life. The rabbit is often portrayed as the companion of the Moon goddess Chang’e in Chinese folklore. Called in some tales the moon rabbit or jade rabbit, the creature is said to live with Chang’e in the Moon Palace and helps her make her immortality elixirs out of herbs.  “It is said that if you look up at the moon, you can see an outline of the Jade Rabbit pounding with a pestle.”

I invite you to share a comment about some of your lunar new year memories, or tell us your favourite organizations, artists and businesses that centre the Asian community ❤️

Spread happiness and good fortune for 2023: Support Asian Organizations


Spread happiness and good fortune for 2023: Support Asian Artists

Spread happiness and good fortune for 2023: Support Asian Owned Businesses


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