Join professional arborist and commercial and non-profit tree grower, Ryan Senechal, and the Community Trees Matter Network for this fun, practical workshop!

Learn where and when to gather seed or cuttings (now is a good time), propagation basics, container culture, and strategies for getting the trees we’ve grown planted where they can reach their full potential.

When: Oct. 7 at 2 p.m.
Where: Banfield Park, 521 Craigflower Road in Vic West
(Accessible by public transportation, some nearby street parking)

Registration required by Oct. 6. Email:
By donation.


Petition to protect native tree species:

Sasha Izard created this petition calling on the BC government to protect native tree species within building envelopes. Please sign and share.

Some interesting recent articles on trees:

If a tree is planted, does it make a difference?:

It’s raining acorns: Garry oak ‘mast year’ a boon for city nursery replanting the native species:

A good discussion of the importance of retaining large old trees everywhere, though it’s initially about Australia:

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