B.C. is one of the last provinces in Canada that does not licence counsellors. If we need medical attention we can be sure that seeing a doctor means s/he has a degree of knowledge, is backed by the province, has liability insurance, and such. When it comes to emotional or relational health none of these are guaranteed because anyone can call themselves a counsellor. Anyone.

For me personally I would like to have a neutral body consider any complaints made against me, not my own professional association (which frequently seems more concerned about its reputation than about fairness).

Would you be willing to support this legislation, regardless of your political stripes (or none) so that BC can join the rest of Canada?

I also note that this is the first step BC Green Party leader, Sonia Furstenau will be taking to eventually include “mental health” as a part of our provincial health system, eventually saving the province money but mostly saving us from as much homelessness, family violence and neglect, poor ability to work, etc. For free. As it should be.

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