FortisBC and Woodfibre LNG are beginning construction of a pipeline without the proper permits to house their workers safely. The process is an indication of their poor commitment to ensuring the safety of the community and the human rights of Squamish residents.

Squamish residents are already seeing rental costs increase as LNG and pipeline workers move into town, and housing is scarce. FortisBC’s contractors are also booking out local hotels, essentially creating unregulated workcamps, not to mention the impact on local businesses that rely on tourist dollars.

On January 24, residents stood outside municipal hall in Squamish, and called on the District of Squamish to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable—and they did because we organized, we voted, and we showed up, council voted unanimously to send a letter to Cabinet Ministers stating that “the municipality believes there will be significant negative impacts on local housing availability and affordability, the 2023 tourism season, local businesses via labour supply and housing affordability challenges, as well as community safety and emergency services.”

A victory for the people, as FortisBC and Woodfibre LNG must stop construction until they have appropriate housing in place and until they adequately address the community’s concerns.



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