You are likely aware that health officials are only focusing on hand sanitization, wearing masks, “social” distancing and the hope for a vaccine. While there’s nothing wrong with any of these (except that we need to be socially connected, even if physically safe!) this discourse fails to even mention how we can be far more proactive and responsible for ourselves. In essence officials are limiting our options by failing to educate us about the importance of ensuring we have adequate levels of key vitamins (such as C & D), natural anti-virals (such as garlic), immune regulators (such as curcumin/turmeric) and others that can help us beat the pandemic.

The purpose of this petition is to educate and empower.

Lets send a clear voice to Ottawa that the people of Canada expect a widening inclusive scope which includes natural options.

Petitions can and do make a difference. Please consider signing this one.

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