Thanks to the District of Saanich Mayor and Council for unamimously passing a resolution to the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities to “encourage municipal governments to take steps to engage their citizens in reducing their ecological footprint by utilizing a ’One Planet’ or similar model for a sustainable future.”

Saanich has declared a Climate Change Emergency, and has successfully used the One Planet Saanich model for resident engagement to help reduce our communities ecological footprint to one planet’s worth of bio capacity. This means considering our ecological footprint and our carbon footprint and our impacts on health, happiness and equity. This can be achieved by using One Planet Living Principles as a lens to evaluate planning decisions.

There are 14 organizations in Saanich using the principles – from churches to schools to businesses – and more who are hearing about it and interested in this approach. Creatively United is one such organization.

To learn more, visit and see the Creatively United Solutions Guide.

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