This is a video I created out of a PowerPoint presentation created by a social change movement that I’m part of. I invite you to take the time to watch it. I hope it sheds light on my state of agitation, and why you too might be frustrated with the widespread inertia around the climate emergency. I also hope it boosts your courage to act boldly, and now.
We all have daily challenges that others don’t see. I can’t imagine living your life any more than you could mine, but I think if we take tome to hear and understand each other we can in deed move together to better days. Not just easier times, but better times for more of us. Please take time to glimpse what things look like from where I’ve been watching the climate emergency which now threatens us with extinction. Sit with the discomfort. You won’t be alone.
Thanks for keeping an open mind in these stressful times of self-isolation.
Meanwhile, at Bumblebee Electric Vehicles+ Solar Energy Inc. we’re rolling our a plan for acting collectively in a world that hasn’t fallen apart, because we took this threat seriously and acted boldly.

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