Tuesdays for Trees is a campaign devised by the Climate Action Research Team of Greater Victoria Acting Together. The idea is to have something happen every Tuesday to raise public awareness and pressure decision makers regarding the importance of trees and forests in protecting us from climate change and more. The member organizations of GVAT have really had fun with this, doing a wide variety of actions, events and celebrations such as guest speaker Zoom events, a tree-themed poetry and visual arts evening, tree planting and invasive species removal, mini-demonstrations (walking without gathering), documentary viewing, group prayers, social media contest… Now it is time to launch Tuesdays for Trees out into the world. Whatever group you are a part of (even your family), please consider doing something for Tuesdays for Trees.

The possibilities are endless. The only limit is imagination!

The only condition is compliance with Covid public health orders. Contact us at gvat-tuesdaysfortrees@googlegroups.com for support, questions etc.  Tell us what you have done or are going to do and send us photos to help with our online social media campaigns at @ActingGreater and Greater Victoria Acting Together’s Facebook page. Check out our webpage at https://www.gvat.ca/tuesdays-for-trees.html

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