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Currently, 80% of the biosolids produced by the Residuals Treatment Facility located at Hartland are being used as a fuel at the LaFarge cement facility in Richmond. The balance of the biosolids are mixed with sand and land applied at a quarry located at Cassidy near Nanaimo in accordance with Provincial Regulations.

No biosolids are being land filled a Hartland.

The technical Working Group established by the Provincial Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to review the adequacy of the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (OMRR) issued a report on August 21. The Group concluded that biosolids containing emerging chemicals of concern can be safely applied to land so long as there is a specific analysis of each application by a qualified professional. The Province has not yet amended the current OMRR.

In July, the CRD issued a request for proposals (RFP) for an advanced thermal demonstration plant to process biosolids to six qualified applicants. The proposals were submitted to CRD staff on September 11. The CRD has hired both a business case and technical experts to advise on the applications. It is anticipated that staff will brief the CRD Board in late fall.

The RFP included two options. One was for a stand along demonstration plant to thermally convert up to 10 tonnes a day of biosolids at Hartland. The other option was to evaluate other potential waste streams including municipal solid waste, wood waste and organic matter in addition to the biosolids as an Integrated Resource Management project.

The CRD staff also issued a broad Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) for sites in the CRD and surrounding areas suitable for land application of biosolids as a contingency in case the current disposal options are not available while the demonstration plant is being evaluated. Proposals will be submitted by October 31.

Staff with the Township of Esquimalt are scheduled to bring a proposal to Council in November regarding testing samples of municipal solids waste in a thermal plant using the grant of $50,000 provided by CRD to determine proof of concept and a potential business case.

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