When I think of the 17 days of the “tour of grief” exhibited by the endangered female Orca whale known as J35, I can’t help but think this was done as a very public way of saying “look at what you’ve done you ignorant humans!”

Overfishing, pollution, plastics, blasting, jet rumblings, ferries, freighters, cruise ships, underwater interference from submarines, military exercises, global warming, …do we need more proof like this to demonstrate that we are causing death and destruction to our natural world?

We’ve been blessed with a utopia of natural beauty, splendor and abundance. Solutions exist to ensure it survives, but it doesn’t appear we are learning and listening! I highly recommend viewing the animated video, #WakeUpCall, by the Gaia Foundation and being part of the solution by joining one of the many organizations listed at on our PairUp page.

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