In addition to a commitment to intergenerational equity, which I discussed last week, the recent UN Environment Programme report Navigating New Horizons also calls for “a new social contract reinforcing shared values that unite us rather than divide us” and “a new global emphasis on well-being metrics…
The UN Environment Programme’s new report Navigating New Horizons, produced in partnership with the International Science Council, is not easy reading. It’s not just that it is a dense 100-page document, but because it paints a grim picture of the challenges we face.
Check out Creatively United’s Solutions Resource Section for a variety of downloadable and shareable graphics and information, such as these new additions from the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (CANE) and the Canadian Association of... Read more
In exploring the need for a transformation of our values so they are fit for purpose in the 21st century, I have been using a piece of “scripture” from the World Wide Fund for Nature’s 2014 Living Planet Report. The third realm from my piece of “scripture” is the economy, and the text makes an important but often overlooked point…
The B.C. government’s lawsuit over the health impact of so-called “forever chemicals” is now shining a questionable light on the province’s effort to also overturn one of Canada’s only bans on toxic sewage sludge applied to fields and forests.
In my time, I have co-founded a number of organizations, but I am particularly proud to have helped start CAPE — the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment — 30 years ago. Three of us, independently, had started to develop the idea of some sort of doctors’ organization…
Here are two petitions for people to sign for the protection of our Southern Resident Killer Whales. One is from the David Suzuki Foundation and one is from Georgia Strait Alliance: Endangered... Read more
While we owe a great deal to the scientific method and its objective reasoning and always will, we need to transcend the mechanistic world view that we have inherited from it. Here we need to engage science’s wise and beautiful older sister, art. We have known this... Read more
Dear CRD Board, Senior CRD staff, and Minister Heyman, I’m sure many of you saw the following article on CBC this weekend highlighting a lawsuit launched by the BC government against the manufacturers of PFAS chemicals for contaminating drinking water and... Read more
The BC government has filed a class action law suit in the BC Supreme Court against a number of chemical companies which manufacture so called ‘forever chemicals’ or PFAS which commonly occur in household products and do not break down in the environment. The US... Read more
The report by Sidney Coles of Capital Daily exposes the problems with disposing biosolids at the Lafarge cement plat at Richmond and at Cassidy Quarry at Cassidy. The CRD Board will approve the long term pan for biosolids management on Wednesday June 12. Creatively... Read more
Back in April, I was asked to be the homilist at the First Unitarian Church just before Earth Day and to talk about the values revolution that is needed. Now I don’t know about you, but I didn’t even know there was such a a beast as a homilist…
Courtesy of The Guardian. The US may soon bail out farmers whose livelihoods were destroyed by toxic PFAS “forever chemical” contamination. The proposal for a $500m fund aims to head off a crisis for the nation’s growers and is moving through Congress amid increasing... Read more
Ever get the feeling that your family is the only one taking the climate emergency seriously enough to try to do something about it? Want to know that you are not alone or what else you can do? Take the Together we can make a... Read more
Get ready for a weekend of connection, training, scheming, and dreaming of a Fossil Free Future. Build the power of the BC climate movement for a climate-safe future! From June 7-9, activists, organizers, and changemakers from across the B.C. will gather on the... Read more
In early June, executives from the largest fossil fuel companies in Canada – Enbridge, Imperial, Cenovus, Enbridge, and Shell – will testify before the House of Commons’ Environment Committee. The purpose of their summons? To answer for their failure to rein in... Read more
My colleague Paul Kershaw is a professor of public health at UBC and founder of Generation Squeeze, a “Think and Change Tank” that promotes wellbeing for all generations. It does so “by turning evidence into action and rejuvenating democracy to protect what is sacred for younger and future generations…
Resilience and “whole-of-society” approach are clear priorities to address emerging wildfire reality in B.C. Victoria, B.C. lək̓ʷəŋən territory: British Columbia needs to adopt a “whole-of-society” approach to advance wildfire resilience, say the authors of an... Read more
A CTV news story on the pervasiveness and dangers of PFAS, a VicNews story on the ongoing issues with biosolids disposal at the Lafarge Cement kiln, and an op-ed by BioSolids Free BC founder, Philippe Lucas, celebrating the popular CRD ban on the land application of... Read more
The world finally seems to be waking up to the harms of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Commonly referred to as “forever chemicals” due to their slow rate of degradation and associated build-up in animals, humans and our natural environment, PFAS are... Read more
A team led by Prof. Martin Wagner of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology recently reported that of 16,000 chemicals associated with plastic, at least 4,200 “are of concern because of their high hazards to human health and the environment.”
The Capital Regional District (CRD) in Victoria, BC, Canada has a long-standing and popular ban on the land application of biosolids. This is a crucial regulation that protects our local drinking water, environment and public health. Biosolids contain PFAS,... Read more
Under pressure from the province, the CRD needs to come up with a definitive plan to deal with the mounting quantity of dried biosolids pellets at Hartland. Biosolids are the byproduct of the region’s wastewater treatment processes. As of now, the CRD says…
Monday is Earth Day, and the theme this year is Planet vs. Plastics. This is timely, because Tuesday marks the start of a week-long session in Ottawa of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution. So this week, I begin to look at the plastics industry…
Canada Proposes stricter regulations for Forever chemicals in drinking water. PFACs are indestructible chemicals which are ubiquitous in the environment due to their presence in a wide range of household items The US Protection Agency introduced new regulations this... Read more
Introduction: Climate change presents an urgent global challenge, demanding innovative solutions at every level of society. Colwood, in its commitment to climate leadership, has an opportunity to spearhead transformative change through the implementation of renewable... Read more
I wrote to Elizabeth May reminding her of two of her excellent ideas that I hope she’ll continue to promote regarding Site-C and water bombers. I remember when I first heard her mention these ideas several years ago and I thought “brilliant.” Elizabeth got right back... Read more
Join Elders for Ancient Trees on a bus trip to the Nanaimo courthouse on April 4th to show solidarity for Land Defender, Rainbow Eyes, and old-growth forests. Meet people from Nanaimo, Cowichan, Duncan, Comox and Saltspring Island. For those coming from the Victoria... Read more
Dear CRD Chair, Board and staff, In light of the emerging details about the criminal investigation and civil suits against Synagro, we’re very concerned about the lack of CRD follow up on an emerging public health and environmental issue that seems to clearly... Read more
The company that produces biosolids at Hartland Landfill for the Capital Regional District is being sued by a group of Texas farmers. The farmers claim fertilizer made from a product of sewage treatment by Synagro Technologies’ operation…
The company that helps produce the Capital Regional District’s biosolids is being accused of its similar products medically harming Texas farmers and fatally impacting their animals. Synagro Technologies is the majority…
Scientists have been warning that insects are disappearing at alarming rates. Not only are they pollinators for our food, but they are food for birds and other animals. We depend on these tiny creatures and this report warns of possible extinction. Below in letters is... Read more
The Government of Canada has made some progress in ending support for the fossil fuel sector, including introducing two policies over recent years aimed at ending international public financing and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. However, most of the support... Read more
Ecoforestry Institute is seeking an Assistant Educator/Naturalist passionate about protecting BC’s forests, to run interpretive ecoforestry and ecology based school workshops, summer camps, and public tours at Wildwood Ecoforest near Ladysmith.
The CRD has been punting its management problem down Hartland Ave. for years. Pressure to resolve the region’s biosolids and other solid waste management plan has resurfaced as construction plans to increase capacity at the landfill are underway.
Dear CRD Chair and Board, Let me begin by thanking you all for your continued support for the popular and longstanding ban on the land application of biosolids in the CRD. This is just a quick note to share a news story from the Guardian about a community group suing... Read more
New legal action could put an end to the practice of spreading toxic sewage sludge on US cropland as a cheap alternative to fertilizer, and force America to rethink how it disposes of its industrial and human waste. A notice of intent…
Our fifth annual Water Research Roundup featured emerging researchers Bridget McGlynn, Christiana Onabola, and Ella Martindale. They spoke on topics ranging from how governance systems align with the environmental challenges they are trying to address, to how the... Read more
I’m writing today to express my disappointment and concerns about the recent CRD Open House on biosolids. Since the hosts opted to hide the number of participants, and since cameras, mikes and even the “chat” sidebar were disabled for participants, it was impossible... Read more
Would you knowingly eat food, drink water or breathe air that contains toxic chemicals and microplastics linked to cancer that are contained in sewage sludge from Victoria, BC’s wastewater treatment plant? Right now, forever chemicals, which true to their name last... Read more
As far back as 1964, Paul Sears, an eminent American ecologist and former chair of the graduate program in Conservation at Yale University, described ecology as “a subversive subject” and asked “if taken seriously as an instrument for the long-run welfare of mankind…
What do you want the BC government to do about trees and old growth forests? This Wednesday, Jan. 31st is the final deadline for the public to contribute input on the Draft BC Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework. Your voice matters! Creatively United invites... Read more
The CRD wastewater treatment plant located at McLoughlin Point in Esquimalt produces 10 tonnes of biosolids every day. These biosolids are the residual waste products which are piped to the Hartland Landfill where they are treated into a pellet. The BC Ministry of... Read more
Dear Chair Plant, CRD Board and Senior CRD Staff, It is with great concern that I write you today regarding the recently launched public consultation on the long term biosolids management plan found at: To provide a bit of... Read more
Canada Lays out Plan to Phase out Sales of Gas-Powered Cars, Trucks by 2035 From CBC: New regulations being published this week by Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault will effectively end sales of new passenger vehicles powered only by gasoline or diesel in 2035.... Read more
An upgrade to FortisBC’s natural gas pipeline network in the Okanagan has been rejected by the BC Utilities Commission. The Okanagan Capacity Upgrade project would have included about 30 kilometres of new pipeline between Chute Lake and Penticton.
The end of the year is always a time for reflection, but more so this past year, which has been significant for me in four key ways. First and foremost, I turned 75. That’s three-quarters of a century, and that’s given me pause for thought — I really am getting old!
It’s that time of year, when Charles Dickens’ story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Cratchit family is everywhere. But it’s not just a charming story of how a mean old curmudgeon sees the light and becomes a kindly old gent and a generous benefactor to his employee, Bob Cratchit.
It all started with a blank slate. Or, in this case, an empty patch of soil beside a park. As a research lead with Seedlings Forest Education, an organization in Victoria, BC that facilitates nature-based learning for children, it was my job to help the leadership... Read more